Non-Disclosure Agreement

What is an NDA?

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (also called an NDA or Confidentiality Agreement) is a tool businesses use to protect their confidential information. It is a legal agreement formed by the seller and a possible buyer of a business that describes the confidential information a seller wants to disclose to that buyer with restrictions to third parties. Under an NDA, a person or organization agrees to protect proprietary information they’ve received from another business or individual. 

When do I sign an NDA?

The NDA is used when a potential buyer engages in negotiations to purchase an entity. All information about how the business obtains its customers and details about their products and services must be kept confidential. In the case of competitors, any trade secrets or proprietary information that is obtained may not be used if a sale is not completed.


California Professional Acquisitions is a member of the California Association of Business Brokers (CABB) and we use the CABB Buyer Acknowledgement of Introduction and Confidentiality Agreement. We require all potential buyers to sign an NDA before we will release any confidential information.

For your convenience, you may download and complete this NDA form. Once we receive a signed copy (scan copy is fine), we will be able to disclose information on the business you are interested in.